Episode 11. Social Justice: A REDEEMED Conversation with Natashia Deon

What does “redemption” mean to you? Is it making amends? Paying off a debt? Or how about just that feeling you get when you redeem a gift certificate? Now imagine it’s your whole life that is being redeemed. Because that is the Good Work that The Redeemed Project is all about. Pairing professional writers with those convicted of crimes, often already serving prison time, Redeemed helps provide a beautiful chance at record expungement, record sealing, and even clemency. Redeemed Project believes that the past is the past, and everyone deserves a full, redeemed life.


Now, that’s GOOD. #StayKindAndDoGood


Season 2, Episode 1. Coping, Covid, and Coups


Episode 10: Why Art Matters - A Conversation with Travis Branam